
Digital literacy, digital competency or technology literacy, describes more than competence with the use of technology. It defines the ability to find, analyze and evaluate information, while being creative in the use of ICT to communicate and collaborate with others. 

We believe everyone has the potential to better themselves and participate in the conversations that help improve their communities. 

Security, prosperity, and even the environment depends on individuals accessing information and feeding their capacity to make informed choices while remaining agile and adaptable to accelerated change. 

We are here to make sure everyone is digitally included.


Digital Inc is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to research, address, educate, promote, coordinate, and actively engage with communities and identified partners to improve digital inclusion of all persons as a way to create a greater impact for positive environmental, cultural, social, and economic change.

Our new knowledge society has been shaped, and evolves, due to new technologies and the adoption of the Internet. This transformation has affected every aspect of our lives: public, private, and working. Information and communication technologies (ICT) have created transformative changes, underpinning economies and creating entirely new industries. ICT has allowed for more transparent and improved governance

These ICT’s are helping to improve standards of living. ICT’s can facilitate the lowering of household expenses, assist in finding and securing  jobs that pay a living wage (or better), and have enabled people to maintain contact with distant relatives and friends. Going online can provide ways to increase an audience (thereby potentially growing a business or service) and can reduce operating costs. The use of ICT’s has provided broader benefits, illuminating and addressing wider social and economic issues (i.e., reducing isolation and improving health).

Access and use of ICT’s impacts individuals and the community as a whole. What must be realized is that technology itself is just a tool. It is in using ICT that we can bring about positive changes. Improving digital inclusion is important to economic and workforce development, civic participation, education, health, and public safety.


The challenges digital inc has identified, and accepted, is to

Determine a framework to produce quantifiable positive short-term results while building a solid foundation from which other communities can model their digital inclusion efforts.

Determine what digital inclusion efforts and activities are politically and economically feasible.

Identify digital inclusion efforts that are making a positive impact and incorporate their best practices into our sharable framework.

Improve the marketing and communication efforts of the organizations that are effectively improving digital inclusion.

Digital Inclusion efforts are happening all over the world, some with extremely encouraging results. Digital Inc’s mission is to identify organizations that are working in the area of digital inclusion, and help them if they are struggling and then partner with them (and others) as they are achieving desired results. Through collaboration, a unified digital inclusion framework can be developed, disseminated, and promoted.